
Stop Losing Your Customers To Bad Claims

Closeup of two professionals in business attire shaking hands

Insurance agents, do you know how to stop losing your customers to bad claims?

We know you have your clients’ best interest in mind when they are going into a claim situation, whether they ask you for advice prior or you are made aware that they filed a claim. Now, we know you don’t have a lot of power and that the decisions are largely up to the adjuster. However, you CAN help your client!

The best possible way to help your client is to refer them to a local, honest, and experienced contractor, especially when it comes to insurance restoration.

A lot of times the adjuster is going to come out to the property and give a low ball claim. We’ve seen this a hundred times. In fact, most claims are not written correctly the first time. Your client most likely doesn’t know how to fight this, and you as an agent may or may not know how to approach going back and forth with the adjusters. But ZCI, as insurance restoration professionals, definitely knows how to approach working with adjusters and low ball claims.

ZCI is certified in identifying damage, in water mitigation, and Exactimate. We also have 5 stars on Yelp and an A+ on BBB.

That being said, it is up to you, the insurance agent, to point your client in the right direction. We want to help you retain your clients by being an excellent resource for you.

The most important part of an insurance claim is a local, honest and experienced contractor presenting a good report of damages and a proper method of repairs. Being a local company, ZCI knows the storm dates and severity of damages and stays up to date with building codes. Also, we are quick to get to the property to perform emergency tarping and other necessary action. ZCI is honest meaning we are not going to propose a method of repair that isn’t the right one. That is going to cost us a long-term relationship that we value much more than immediate business. Lastly, ZCI is experienced. We know the hoops we have to jump through and the documentation that is expected. It works wonders to know that it’s not always easy working with insurance restoration. Also, all of our warranties are backed by the manufacturer, whether it be the shingle manufacturer or GAF or Owens Corning. You have the peace of mind that all of our labor and products are backed by billion dollar companies.

So stick with someone local, honest, and experienced and stop losing your customers to bad claims.